Friday, August 24, 2018

August 24th

     Can I just say that this class is the BEST?  We have had a very busy couple of weeks, and they have been handling it like professionals!  Within the past two weeks, they have done the following:

-  Completed two days of Scantron testing
-  Started a new close reading unit that works on comprehension, writing, and fluency skills
-  Learned how to add and subtract using different methods
-  Began math stations
-  Began reading stations
-  Participated in the first Best Me Assembly
-  Worked on map skills, including a fun compass activity in the hallway and designing their own maps
-  Finished our first read aloud book, Third Grade Angels
Took their first reading test on Schoology and completed their first spelling test
-  Learned about the genres for our 40 book challenge through various games and activities
-  And most recently, met our new Kindergarten reading buddies!

  Enjoy the pictures showing the fun we have had!

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