Friday, December 16, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Enjoy the pictures that I took this week! Have a wonderful Christmas break with your kids! I will see them back on Wednesday, January 4.

Friday, December 9, 2016

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Happy December! Can you believe the school year is almost half-way over? I can't! We have had a really great year so far thanks to the wonderful students and parents!

Here are some general reminders for next week:
- Each student should bring a wrapped book to exchange for our Christmas party.
- The party is on Thursday from 1:00-1:45.
- Early dismissal on Friday at 1:30.
- We will return to school on Wednesday, January 4th.

We have had some very fun times this past week. Students have written a persuasive letter to Santa, made blankets for a homeless shelter, and researched various winter holidays around the world. Students are especially excited because we have been learning division this week!

Enjoy some of our pictures from the past couple of weeks!