Thursday, October 12, 2017

Not quite Halloween!

                  We have had a lot of fun, new things that we have been doing in class these past couple of weeks!  In small groups, students have been learning about character traits and comparing/contrasting stories through Jack and the Beanstalk and a new book to them, Kate and the Beanstalk.  We have been analyzing character's motives through their actions and words.  Each week, we work on an interactive reading journal to add their notes and thoughts.

            In science, students have finished working with their axle-driven cars and are about to begin having a lot of fun with propeller-driven cars using rubber band energy.  

            Math has been all-multiplication all-the-time!  Students have already learned nearly half of their facts these past several weeks!  We are beginning to work on 4's and then 9's will come next.  In class, we play review games and work on automaticity with the facts.  Continue having them practice nightly for fluency and review.  

Monday, October 2, 2017

Grandpals and More

                    Grandpals' Day was a hit!  The students created "When I'm 64" writing and pictures of themselves when they are 64.  Also, they created "All About My Grandpal" to give to their guests.  Last, they create artwork with blowing kisses and a handprint with 5 reasons they love their grandpal. 

                    When the grandpals came to the room, they visited with their grandkids and then we played a fun game called Kahoot where they had to race everyone else on questions about pop culture (and 1950's pop culture).  They had so much fun competing!

                              I have also added some other pictures from the week!  Enjoy!