Holy cow! It is already May. As of today, we have two and a half weeks of school left. It is unbelievable how quickly this year has flown.
Even though May tends to make students a little.. let's say.. extra wiggly, I have planned a lot of fun activities to keep them on their toes! The class is working on a really fun newspaper project and will have a guest speaker next week that is a writer! They have learned about newspapers, and then they are using some creativity to be a newspaper writer on their own.
In math, the class has completed a "Design a Zoo" area and perimeter project and "Quadrilateral City" blueprints. Now they are working on their own designs and rules for a math board game that we will be completing in class. I am already really seeing some great ideas coming together!
In social studies and science, students have been finishing their ABC's of Alabama research book as well as a fun unit on water and climate. Because the weather has been so beautiful, we have been able to spend some time outdoors completing the activities.
Today, there will be an envelope sent home about Spirit Day. There will be a fundraiser this year to help classrooms! Because the school was unable to do a raffle at the Spring Festival, this is a really important fundraiser to help with funding for our classrooms! We use a lot of that money for activities in the classroom as well as classroom supplies.
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the cooler weather!