Thursday, April 28, 2016

Chemicals and Things!

   We have had a lot of fun in science! The students have been studying 5 mystery chemicals and performing various tests on them including vinegar, iodine, water, and heat tests! They finally found out what the 5 mystery chemicals were: alum, talc, cornstarch, baking soda, and sugar!

  In reading, we have continued with our Journey's series. The students are reading new magazines that go along with the series! They have also been doing a state research project and essay.

  They will be prepared for 4th grade in math! Over the past several weeks, students have learned how to do division with remainders and multiply two digit by two digit numbers! Next week, they will begin a fun board game project that will take a couple of weeks to complete.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Happy April!

   This week has gone by very quickly! On Monday, we spent the day getting to finish practicing for the ACT Aspire that occurred on Tuesday and Wednesday. We also played an Aspire Math Jeopardy game for review. I am proud of all of the hard work that the students have done to prepare for the test the past couple of weeks! I am confident that each child put forth their best effort, which is the most important part. 

  After we finished, our class worked on several projects. They completed a spring cinquain poem along with a baby chick picture. They also are working on creating blueprints for a zoo where they also find the area and perimeter of each parts of their zoo. 

  Next week, we will return to lesson 24 in reading. We will resume reading and spelling tests on Friday.