Tuesday, December 15, 2015

December Updates

  We have had a great time in December staying busy! We have gotten to see the fourth grade Christmas program and watch two of the classmates participate in the school spelling bee!

  Students have been busy learning, too! Each child was assigned a different winter holiday around the world. These included Christmas in different countries, Hannukah, Chinese New Year, St. Lucia Day, and many, many more! This week the students will be presenting their findings as the resident expert on this holiday celebration.

  Another fun activity that students participated in was called "The Hour of Code". Students learned how to do simple computer programming for an hour in the classroom. They were able to help build code for games such as Star Wars, Minecraft, and Frozen. They really enjoyed getting to see what it would be like to become a computer programmer! They joined millions of children around the world. You can read more at hourofcode.com

    ***Don't forget early dismissal Friday at 1:30***

Friday, December 4, 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

We have had a good week returning from Thanksgiving break!  In reading, the students are doing expert projects on various winter holidays around the world! They will be presenting their findings in a week. 

In math, students have started learning division. Keep practicing multiplication facts! We will continue having times tests on multiplication for the next several weeks. 

This week in science, we learned the parts of a bone and practiced doing fun tasks without our thumb joints. Look at the photos to see students trying to draw, zip, button, and even tie shoes without the use of their thumbs. 

Congratulations to Julia Anne and Evie who made it far in the school spelling bee! We are all so proud of them!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have had a lot of fun activities these past couple of weeks in class! One of the highlights was beginning our unit on bones and joints. The students loved trying to count their own bones and assembling "Mr. Bones". They were shocked to find that teeth aren't actually bones!

Another fun activity we completed was an "I'm Thankful For..." turkey writing activity. The fun part was that kids had to draw for their topic. Some examples were: fire drills, baby wipes, and paper. They loved this creativity activity reminding them to be thankful for the small things in life! 

Oh, and don't forget - no school all of next week! Happy a very happy Thanksgiving! 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Can you believe it's November?

  We have had a great couple of weeks here in third grade!  Students have been reading about inventors and how sports engineering has helped aid athletes in their various sports! One of their favorite books that they have read was about brilliantly ridiculous inventions. To have more fun with the topics, students created their own ridiculous inventions! They had to create a unique name, a slogan, a short description, price, and illustration for their inventions.

  The students had a blast last week using pumpkins for math. Thank you to each of you who volunteered to help by attending and/or bringing in a pumpkin! 

  Don't forget that we won't have school next Wednesday due to Veterans' Day!

Friday, October 23, 2015


We have had a packed October so far with Grandpals' Day and conferences. Next week is Red Ribbon Week and class picture day on Tuesday. 

This week, students read historical fiction stories about storytellers, including The Kamishibai Man. They learned about abstract nouns and completed a fun pumpkin writing activity. 

In math, students have now learned their 0,1,2,3,4,5,10, and 11 multiplication facts. We only have 25 more to learn!

Science has been fun as students have begun learning about clouds. We have been going outside in the afternoons, sketching the clouds, and determining which clouds they are in order to predict weather. So far, we have only seen cumulus clouds, but next week might change that! 

Here are some pictures of the class drawing their clouds!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Busy Week

I can't believe that Grandpals' Day is tomorrow! We are going to have a blast! To prepare for this special day, we have been working on several projects. The first one is "When I'm Sixty-Four" where the students drew and wrote about their lives at 64! 

Students also wrote fun facts about their Grandpals and gave advice on how to live to be 100. 

In math, students continued working on multiplication but also did a fun math monster project!  We started learning about weather instruments this week in science!

Monday, October 12, 2015


Last week, students loved getting to read various folktales from all around the world! We also worked on drawing conclusions and writing good paragraphs from sequencing pictures. 

In math, we have continued adding more multiplication facts to our memory! Students have now learned 0,1,2,5,10, and 11! We play a lot of fun games to help with our memory skills. Keep practicing at home to get as quick as you can get!

Our plants unit has finally come to a close, BUT... our pollination worked! Several of our plants made new seeds! The class loved being able to open the seed pods and find the new seeds!

Some reminders:
No spelling or reading tests this week
Grandpals' Day is on Friday!
Character Pumpkins are due this Thursday to share with our Grandpals' on Friday